Pay Now


Update #1: MI Unemployment

Dear Client:

We know this is a time of great uncertainty and emotional turmoil. We are in the same boat and worried about the same things as you. We are worried about high risk family members, how to balance working remotely with child-care at home and job losses. This is only a fraction of the things we are worrying about. We get it. We are all living it. While we don’t have solutions to the COVID-19 pandemic we want you to know that we are listening and our goal is to continue to be a resource and trusted advisor for your business.

On March 16, 2020 Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-10 to temporarily expand eligibility for unemployment benefits.

  • Workers who have an unanticipated family care responsibility, including those who have childcare responsibilities due to school closures, or those who are forced to care for loved ones who become ill. 
  • Workers who are sick, quarantined, or immunocompromised and who do not have access to paid family and medical leave or are laid off. 
  • First responders in the public health community who become ill or are quarantined due to exposure to COVID-19. 
  • Benefits will be increased from 20 to 26 weeks. 
  • The application eligibility period will be increased from 14 to 28 days. Employees can apply online or via phone only.
  • The normal in-person registration and work search requirements will be suspended. The employer must seek a registration and work search waiver from the Unemployment Insurance Agency.
  • Under the order, an employer or employing unit must not be charged for unemployment benefits if their employees become unemployed because of an executive order requiring them to close or limit operations.  
  • The unemployment work share program will continue to be a potential option for employers who want to maintain workforce but need to reduce hours